


So a lil about me....I'm married to my high school sweetheart, and now have three sons, Devon, Thalen, Dadrin (Dade)and a little girl, Celestine

I'm also a Freelance Graphic Designer & Illustrator. I LOVE my work. :-)

Well... lets see what else? I'm Hella shy, til I get to know the person, then I'm chattier than hell. I'm always willing to make new friends, but am a bit particular about which friends I get close too and keep in my life for the long haul.

I think I'm in a hangout mode in my life right now, occasional parties are GREAT, but I like to just kick back, have a nice toasty warm beverage, coffee, tea, hot coco (with marshmallows of course!)and hangout with my friends.

A Night Out.

2004-07-24 - 2:55 a.m.

Ahhhhh..... home.... I've actually been here for a while now but but I had to show Joe (who was still up my booty.... NO!!.. NOT that Booty... you silly peoples you... MY LOOT!! LOL.. I got goodies.. (Gawd I LOVE gift cards)... LOL... 3 much needed pairs of pants, lots of shirts... and oh my gawd... dare I say it... a DRESS!!! Yes I bought a dress!!! (its a big deal... espeically since I never wear them, but I plan on wearing this one...oh yes.. I will) REally its nothing THAT special... its just something kind cute, COULD be dressy... but not too dressy... Ok.. NUFF bout the dress.

Suzi and I went to Olive Garden for dinner...(again curtiousy of another gift card)*Grin* It was also breakfast and lunch for me.... I was STARVING!!!

We had some Venetian Sunset with our Salad ...then with our spinach artichoke dip I had a Frozen Peach Bellini and suzi had some sorta YUMMMY Tangerine Palermo (tastes like a orange cream-cycle... MY FAV!!!) For Dinner I got the Seafood Portifino!!! YES!!!! The BEST Olive Garden seafood dish that I've had LOL... Mussels, scallops and shrimp with Pasta in a garlic-butter wine sauce... Oh yeah... TAKE THAT!!!! HA!!... Of course my cravings for seafood havent yet ceased... LOL actually they really never do... but ya know how cravings are...

Anywho....from Olive Garden TO Washington Square....hit up hottopic for Kelly and the gap for Suzi... Funny thing is I ended up getting things at both places.. and Suzi only at hottopic.... onward we march......(woulda gotten my ears repierced... but mall closed on us *pouts* ....from the mall to Find K .....some tales to tell here.... for Starters K is fun to hang out with... shes an OK person.... but there are soemthign about her that REAALY bother me... primarily her tude... but Its something I can typically look past... especially when we go out... this was a little bit difficult tonight though.. cause Suzi... we found out doesnt HAVE this ability to just let some things be... which is fine, she has a right to her own opinion and feelings... So we FINALLY get to this place thats out in the middle of noWHERE... somwhere in Milwalkie(sp)... we have a few drinks... suzi a corona, and me my amoretta sour (followed by LOTS of water) this freaky guys are hanging all over karen... only cause shes hangin all over them... and then they try to be all friendly like with Suzi and I... trying to touch shoulders and stuff... no no nonononono!!! Suz had her butt grabbed a couple times... she was getting HELLA grumpy... and personally I dont blame her...and OLD men... like in their 70's were asking her why she wasnt married... *cringe* a VERY sensitive topic for her. Suz did a song..Karen a couple... uggg... she decided to do oughtta know my alanis... I was soooooooooooooo pissed... she fucked it up pretty bad... like.. I didnt know it could be THAT bad kinda bad... (dont get me wrong she can sing.. I've heard her... but NOT Alanis... nope nope nope... Anyway I went I finally was forced to pick a song... got called up to sing.. then this table of guys are like "Oh theres the cutie" it TOTTALY embarrassed me... and THEN on top of it they shouted SHHHHH we wanna hear the cutie sing... UGGGG.... and the bar ACTUALLY got quiet... and I did HORRIBLE... sooo damn nervous... yeah people clapped loud and cheered and stuff... but really it WAS shit... Damn guys... I was all ready to actually go for a change w/o being nervous... then they blew that for me. LOL... oh well...

SOOOOOOOOOOooooooo.... Few songs later... K informs us that her and her g/f whom we shall call Blondie... were going to take off to another place... ok cool... I thought we'd end up heading back home.. since suzi had to go to work this am (7am to be exact) but She said she was cool with trying some other place.... Just before we left the guys I mentioned earlier came over to our table.. and kept asking if they could buy me a drink... ya see... I have this prob with not being nice... I cant be rude unless they are being jerks... they werent being jerks... but they just werent GETTING my no thankyou's ... the guy (who WAS actually sober) but your soo cute and I'd REALLY would like to buy you a drink... "Thankyou very much and its really nice of you... but I've finished my drink, and we're going to be leaving...thankyou anyways" LOL.. K was laughing at me.. shes all youre waaay to nice KEll... SORRY I have manners... he wasnt being rude... he wasnt grabbing me...and I'm SURE it took ALOTTA guts to come over and ask (he really did seem to be the shy type).

He's giving me no REASON to be rude or short. So yeah... There

Ended up at Hot Seat I've been here before... much younger crowd like actually within my age group... hehe.. TOTALLY NOT within K's age group...(she be MUCH older) hehe...K sdang another Alanis song... GEEZUS.....NONONONONONONONO!!! I love hearing people sing... even if they cant... its just cool and fun...and hell its GUTSY to get up there...its gusty to beable to sing infront of people whom you trust... its never an easy thing (In my opinion) well cept for some people.... really its sooo flipping hard... I've only done it a handful of times now... (this was like my 3rd time)... and I FREAK.. I get all shaky and it takes me a bit to warm up... unless I'm really really REALLY nervous.... maybe its just K's "I'm the best and better than anyone else" attitude... maybe its just the way she strutts around thinking that she can have any one she wants and that ALL men want her...(hell it drove her nuts that she couldnt get Joes attention... she STILLS tries HAHA... Sorry... NOT going to happen)... After all she IS GODS Gift... *rolls eyes*... She RUINS it... But The Crowd cheers... and all is well... hehe... her "man" that she picked up... who kept making eyes at me and apparently was trying to play some footsy under the table with suzi... asked if I was gonna... "nope no more for me thanks" Awww.. come on... nope no thankyou... (K)... Come on Kelly .. do You Oughtta Know... LOL I said I know how about I DO BITCH! *laughter from all at the table* thats ok.. I'll pass... nonono... you gotta sing... ok... FINe I'll sing... turn in my yellow slip... I got up there... you know.. for a change I actually did that song kinda good.... LOL.. was funny... Blondie did some back up.. and We had Dancers... like the floor was empty... and then it was full... and everyone came up and said good job... was sooo coool... (they dont go THAT far out for curtiousy) hehe.. I HAVE to admit that I felt kinda good about being up there for a change... even if It was not completely wanted on my end... but I was able to do it... rolls eyes.. ok.. blah blah blah blah... Suzi sang her song and then we left.... on the way out though... I suddenly got yanked backwards my my wrist... DUDE... Waht s up with the people think that they can just randomly grab abd touch people... I mean REALLY... I've had this done before many times... I have like a wrist and stranger hands magnet *cringe* some guy wanted me to dance...(I'm great at pulling away hehe.. almost got it mastered ;-) I actually had to twist my wrist outta his grips... the dude.. mumbled "come on.. join me"... I walked out... too tired to put up with it...

Ugg... I really could talk more.. and theres alot I didnt include.... like texting with shawn (HIYA!!! *grin*) Which I enjoyed...ALOT... and the VM's from Devil and Myst.... and so on... maybe more for tomorrow... we'll see what happens... I'm tired.. and REALLY need a shower.. need to wash the smell of smoke off... uggg.... feel so dirty... hehe.. time to go get clean!!!!! *grin*

template code by:rpdesigns, layout customization by KDS (aka Myself!)