


So a lil about me....I'm married to my high school sweetheart, and now have three sons, Devon, Thalen, Dadrin (Dade)and a little girl, Celestine

I'm also a Freelance Graphic Designer & Illustrator. I LOVE my work. :-)

Well... lets see what else? I'm Hella shy, til I get to know the person, then I'm chattier than hell. I'm always willing to make new friends, but am a bit particular about which friends I get close too and keep in my life for the long haul.

I think I'm in a hangout mode in my life right now, occasional parties are GREAT, but I like to just kick back, have a nice toasty warm beverage, coffee, tea, hot coco (with marshmallows of course!)and hangout with my friends.

Interesting Scope and Personality Profiles

2004-09-27 - 12:35 a.m.

Personaility Profile

REading Nummer 1
Mutual reinforcement ***
Valid during many months: This influence indicates a time of equilibrium in your life, when the demands of the world are in balance with your emotional needs. Emotional maturity and past experiences have prepared you for this, and now you can put your understanding to work to make your life run more smoothly. Tensions that in the past have seemed to pull you in opposite directions are now working in balance and harmony.
At this time your emotional attitude is sober. Your mental state is relatively quiet, and you can see objectively what is true for you, what your needs are and how much you can give and get from others. Your domestic life and your work reinforce each other, and you are able to attend to both without sacrificing either.

Older people, especially women, may give you great insight and understanding. Your own emotional attitudes are "older" at this time. You take advantage of other people's insights of age.

Daily REading- Nummer 2
You are on the run from the realities of life today. The grass seems greener somewhere else and, whatever others say, you are determined to break loose and do things your way. Make sure you do not alienate a friend or a colleague you rely on, in the process. If you keep your feet on solid ground, you will side step problems and establish a firm base to work from

Your physical energy levels have now reached the critical transition phase, marked by the horizontal line across the chart. Your energy is waning and you are entering a time, which lasts around a week, in which you need to rest, relax and recharge your batteries in readiness for a new upward phase

This is a time to look within and make contact with your deeper feelings and emotions. Time spent alone will help you to regain your strength in readiness for what is now to come.

Don't take on too much or push yourself too hard while you are in the downward intellectual phase. You need peace and quiet to think more clearly, so take the line of least resistance.

Rising Sign
With sensitive and gentle Pisces rising over the horizon at the time that you were born, you can be at the mercy of your moods, which can change from sun to rain and back to sun again without much warning.You relate to life with your emotions and your intuition, rather than your reason.Like the ocean which is Pisces' natural domain, you resent boundaries and limitations, as you see life as one great whole.You do not pigeon hole existence into good and bad and black and white and you are more aware than any sign of all its subtle, varies shades of meaning.Also like the ocean, you are hard to fathom or pin down and you need to dream to maintain contact with the well-springs of your being.For it is through your dreams and intuitions that your real creative inspiration comes.You are also highly sensitive to others' feelings and your compassion and your sympathy for suffering is profound.

With Pisces rising, you are ruled by mystic, telepathic Neptune.Its house position and the links it makes with other planets, are key aspects of your natal chart.

Moon Sign
Pisces is an inward-looking and emotional sign, concerned with what is hidden and with the subtleties of life.It is compassionate and long-suffering with a psychic gift for picking up the undercurrents in the atmosphere.Being ruled by Neptune, the god of the oceans, which symbolize the unconscious mind and the beyond, it is a very spiritual - and creative - sign.

Emotional and sensitive to a degree, your compassion, warmth and generosity make you the ideal parent, friend or lover.That is, when you are feeling positive, as with the Moon in Pisces, the sign which rules the oceans, you are subject to a wide variety of ever-changing moods. In fact, you change from sun to rain and back again so quickly, that it can be hard for those around you to keep up.One minute, you are open, friendly and easy to get on with, but you can go off into your own private, inner world and seem quite moody at the next, for reasons that no one, including you, can understand.Your strongest suit is your imagination, for there is a visionary quality about you and you often seem to be in touch with strange dimensions others do not even know exist.In fact, you are a natural mystic, and the stark realities of daily life can be a challenge to you.You also have a powerful intuition about others' feelings, which enables you to help them when they are in need.

My Chinese Zodiac Sign

Of all the Chinese zodiac signs, the Goat has the most powerful imagination and the greatest sensitivity to others. Your generosity, kindness and compassion mean that everybody knows they can rely on you to help them out. They can take advantage of you, too, as you do not find it easy to say no, for you imagine others are as sensitive and easily hurt as you can be yourself. You dislike all forms of conflict and your aim is a quiet, comfortable existence. Your home is all-important to you, and you usually make sure you are surrounded by nice things. For you have a well-developed eye for beauty and you are creative.

But you also have another, hidden and determined side, as anyone who tries to hurt someone you care for soon discovers. For you are fiercely loyal and will fight to keep them safe from harm, whatever that may take.

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